Welcome to NELLS Parents Information Page
We provide this page to help you as a parent of a NELLS player. You will find links and information pages here that we hope will help you find answers to some of the most common questions we receive throughout the year. We also offer ways for you to connect more with your child’s team and the greater league in general.
Just like any website, ours is continually updated to keep the information you need as up-to-date as possible. If you feel that there is any information or resources that is not currently on our site we would love to hear about it. We won’t know its missing unless we hear from you.
Help Us Help Them. Get Involved In NELLS
At NELLS we rely on a devoted collection of adult volunteers to help ensure that the league remains structured and runs smoothly. We are always looking for responsible and enthusiastic parents, family members, and friends to manage, support, and coordinate our teams, facilities, and activities. As a volunteer, you should have a keen interest in the safety, well-being, and overall development of all our girls.
All parents of children involved in NELLS are strongly encouraged to volunteer. As a parent, volunteer, you have the opportunity to spend quality time with your daughter in a safe, fun-filled environment. Oftentimes, parent and child social lives parallel each other. Volunteering allows your life and your child’s life to intersect on common ground, with shared interests and goals.
Please Click Here To See What Volunteer Opportunities are Available.
Expectations From Parents
In recent years there has been multiple incidents throughout the country of downright ugly behavior at youth sporting events. Even though most of the information we are providing to parents about stopping these incidents should seem like common sense we want to make sure there is no confusion on your part as parents or interested parties of a NELLS player that this behavior will not be tolerated under any circumstance.
Youth softball is supposed to be fun –for the children. Actions by parents, fans and coaches, whether verbal or nonverbal, can have a lasting emotional effect on children. Too many of today’s youth are leaving sports activities because the fun is unfairly taken away by adults. NELLS believes the essential elements of character-building and ethics in sports are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and six core principles: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Good Citizenship. As a parent or guardian of a player in NELLS, your actions reflect not only on you, but your child, her team and the league.
We ask all parents to review, complete, and file with the league a Parent Code Of Contact Agreement.
You Can Review This Simple Agreement By Clicking Here.
Below is a letter from a volunteer coach. Please take the time to read through it. Enjoy this experience with your daughter…. its a once in a lifetime thing!!